Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Self Reflection

  As we go through out our lives our attitudes, goals, looks everything all changes every day.  When I was a wee little thing I wanted more than anything to be a veterinarian, however as I grew I realized that I couldn't possibly put animals down on a daily bases I wouldn't have the heart.  When I was about 13 I started performing in plays and ballets and the effect were rather addicting.  From then on out I knew I wanted to stick to performing in most any shape or form.  However, there are things that will get in the way of that goal. For example my age,  most companies don't want actors, models, dancers etc until they are 18 mainly so they can make their own decisions.  At the time being, I am 17 and unable to audition for most jobs.  Though I have a great desire to stay about 12, at the same time I cant wait until I'm 18.  But at the moment I have one year of school left.  And so I really should focus on that so if any of my performing goals fall through I have a good education to fall back on.  For this class in particular I would really like to see myself do a wee bit better.  I feel like since it is mainly computer based and I am sitting next to a few of my closest friends I am easily distracted.   This is going to be quite a challenge to over come because I can never keep my mouth shut.  If I have an opinion I will share it and I can't really stop myself.  Overall I would like to keep in the A's and B's.