Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I truly enjoyed the film Gattaca!  For just a movie review I would like to say that it was very well done.  The story line was good,  the casting was quite nice, and script/dialogue was clear and never lagged.  The only issue I saw was the era.   The film began with a subtitle that read "In the not so distant future."  However the costumes, hairstyle, props, etc. all had a 40's flair to it which didn't exactly make a whole lot of since.  I understand that styles of clothes are being brought back from previous eras but in the film I really didn't see the relationship.  It wasn't that it was wrong by any means, it was actually really nice not to see neon over the top tacky "futuristic" clothing.  The costumes did make them look professional and clean cut which may be what they were going for.  Anyway now for the actual plot and science and all that jazz.  The idea that everything in the movie is indeed possible is positively frightening and mind boggling.  I feel that life would no longer be our own,  we would become more like robots than anything else.  The film discussed how the population in the future would be expected to be perfect and those who weren't would feel insignificant.  Even those who were nearly perfect would find it impossible to focus on anything but one simple flaw.  I already feel pressured into being perfect, I can't think what it would be like having everyone around you expecting so much.  How "perfect" you were also determined your rank not only in society but also in your job.  In order to know the level of perfection job interviewers would run DNA tests on interviewees  I personally would absolutely hate having tests done constantly for something so simple.  I feel that it would be an invasion of space and privacy and I find the idea of blood being drawn to be positively nauseating.  What you want to become as a person is entirely up to you.  Yes, those around you do mold the way you grow but it isn't up to others as to what you can and can't do.  "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."


3.  The relationship between Vincent and Anton was always a bit strained even through childhood.  Though Anton was genetically better I think he always felt a little different because he was part of the "robot" world, he lacked the naturalness that Vincent had.  Vincent, felt just the same.  He always felt inferior to Anton because Anton was considered to be so handsome, and athletic, and talented and everything that Vincent wasn't.  So though they didn't realize it, they were both jealous of the other for opposite reasons.

5.  My favorite character in the movie was Jerome Marrow.  He was a former swimming star but suffered a severe accident that prevented him from ever walking again.  I quite enjoyed this character because he was a stuffy British man...my favorite.  He was rude, sarcastic and terribly funny.  But it seemed like there was more to this character than met the eye.  His dark past really turned him into a tormented dark character without coming straight off as that.  On the other hand he was very extremely compassionate.  He basically gave his life to another.  All of the sacrifices he made for Vincent must have been heart breaking because he knew what he could be if it weren't for his accident.  It was a really bold role in my opinion and the actor portrayed very well.  I however, would really not like to be Jerome.  He has a rather tragic past and is no longer mobile, one of the things I see as top priority for a living being.  I am also quite selfish so I probably wouldn't be willing to give my "life" to another, even if I was handicapped.

6.  The doctor at the end of the movie went along with the fraud because Vincent was his son.  Though Vincent may not have realized it, his father loved him and truly believed in his abilities even with his genetic problems.  If I had been the doctor and only the doctor I probably would have turned him in.  If I had been the doctor as well as the parent I probably wold have let it slide.  I know this sounds horrible but I know I'm not the only one in the world that feels like this.

7.  I think that something to the effect of Vincent's world is possible but not likely.  I think there would be fairly strict regulations as to how it was used.  Mainly that people would want to help with diseases and defects before birth but I think there would be a lot of issues with religion.  I think there would be lots of back lash about "god made us all the way he wanted" etc etc.  I think Gattaca types of technology would help a great deal with investigations and would be used quite a lot.  Overall its expected that it will be used but probably not the extent that the movie showed.

8.  I think the society in Gattaca was focused far too much on perfection and not just on the simple pleasures of life.  "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".  However, there were plenty of things that were right like their huge steps in technology and the challenges they made for themselves.

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