Monday, November 15, 2010

It's All About the Mucus!

We recently began studying on Cystic Fibrosis.  It's a rather disgusting disorder but since I could relate it to real live people I was able to retain the information and my attention span a bit better than I think I have been able to with other subjects in Biology.  Cystic Fibroses is a disease that has to do with a mutant gene.  In order to contract it the gene must be passed down from both parents.  Cystic Fibrosis is basically having too much mucus in your system, ew! The disease is typically diagnosed as a baby, and can be tested through a sweat test.  Parents are taught how to control their child with simple ways on how to loosen the mucus and force the child to cough it up.  Those with the disease must drink plenty of fluids, stay away from smokey areas, exercise, basically anything that will keep the mucus loose and easy to cough up.  Though there is no actual diagnosis for this disease there are treatments that help such as therapy, medications, and sometimes even surgical procedures.

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