Sunday, November 28, 2010


The basic function of the metabolism is to break down food and thus into energy through a set of chemical reactions.  Organisms that have high metabolisms can break down food easily and quickly.  They also tend to have a low body mass because they are able to burn things down so quickly.  Those with a low metabolism tend to have more body weight because they are unable to break down food as easily and thus store it away as fat.  Metabolic reactions include ATP.  ATP or Adenosine triphosphate, helps cells carry out their functions and is thus the main provider of energy to all organisms.  Occasionally there are disorders with metabolism, one we have researched is PKU or phenylkeonuria.  PKU is an inherited disorder and effects the way the body processes proteins. People with phenylketonuria have a deffective enzyme, PAH, a crucial metabolic enszyme.  Without this enzyme the body can have very high phenylalanine levels which can have severe long term effects such as mental retardation or epilepsy.  Some symptoms of PKU, if undetected,  will often be lighter skin and hair, an odd odor, mental issues, epilepsy, and even an abnormally sized skull.  Newborns are scanned for high levels of PKU in their blood  if there is any detection they must have further blood tests performed to see if it is PKU or BH4, which causes similar symptoms.  PKU appeares in 1 in 10,000 births in causasions and East Asians this ranges in other ethnic groups.  PKU is a treatable condition, PKU is found in proteins of food.  So those with PKU most sustain a low protein diet the diet is supplemented instead with articial protiens without phentlanine.  This diet can allow normal developemnt and growth as a child.  I am terribly thankful that I dont have this disorder or any issues with my metabolism and Im even more thrillled that I have a high metabolism and can eat A LOT... beacuse...I like food 

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