Friday, March 4, 2011


Mitosis is the process of a cell creating an exact copy of itself.  In order do so the cell must go through five phases:  Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.  During Interphase the cell begins its seperation by two chromosomes begining to pull away from each other, at this point the nucleus is still visible.  In Prophase the chromosomes have pulled even farther away from each other, now the nucleus is beginning to "fade" because the membrane is beginning to degrade.  By Metaphase the  chromosomes have aligned and the nucleus is no longer visible.  In Anaphase the kinetochore microtubules have shortened.  Finally in Telophase the membrane of the cell has begun to separate into two cells, an exact copy of the first.  In our Onion Root Cell Lab we were able to decide which cells were in each phase.  Parts of it we had issues agreeing on one phase but all in all I thoroughly enjoyed myself!  

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