Friday, March 4, 2011

Stem Cells

The research of stem cells is a very broad subject.  There are ideas on curing diseases, wound healing, traumatic issues, blindness, deafness, even more feature focused studies like solving baldness!  However, at the time being its only under serious study and there really isn't anything that is tested enough to prove itself a definite answer.  The main thing I worry about is finding a cure to a disease or defect in the human society and it turning out to be wrong and knocking out portions of the human race.  Like in "I Am Legend" there is a cure for cancer that is found, hundreds of thousands of people decide to  be "cured" but after a given amount of time their bodies reject it and turn they all turn into zombies!!  Anyway it may not be the most accurate movie but its still a great film in my opinion, it does definitely makes you think about the "what if" side of things though.  I for one would not volunteer to take a cure for anything,  I'll watch and find out.  However, this doesn't mean I'm against stem cell research i think it's amazing how far humans have come technology wise.  For us now to have the possibility of recorrecting defects in genes, and problems with our bodies is mind boggling.  

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